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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Akachichi (あかちち)

Hi!  This is Naoko.  I was suffering from prolonging cough, but I am almost recovered. 

Since it had been rainy too long, we were all ecstatic to have a sunny day yesterday and today.  Today is absolutely beeeeeeeautiful.  I feel like my whole body stretches towards the sun. 

Many people think that Okinawa is always warm and sunny, but actually no.  We do have winter, and it gets cold.  I mean, it doesn’t get as cold as the northern part of Japan and we do not have snow, but winter in Okinawa is very windy.  So pack a windbreaker instead of a thick coat or a sweater when you come to Okinawa from December to March. 

So, Akachichi.  If you know what it means, you have a very good understanding about Okinawan language.  It means “dawn.”  By the way, I took these pictures.  You can guess what time I get up every morning!

Have a wonderful day!!

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