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Friday, January 6, 2012

Cherry Blossom Festival

Hello, everyone! Long time no see.  Did you enjoy your New Year holidays?
Well, mine was little busy, but I spent the quality time. I visited a shrine on New Year's Day, and drew omikuji(sacred lots),too. It says this year will be great for me and also for everyone around me!

Today I introduce ‘Cherry Blossom Festival’ in Okinawa.
 There are several festivals in the main island Okinawa. Most of the  festivals are held in the northern part of Okinawa, from  late January to early February.
The northern part of the Okinawa's main island is also the first region in Japan where people can enjoy viewing the yearly cherry blossoms.
In the mainland Japan, we can see white cherry blossoms. They look like snow falling when falling down. Very beautiful!
But 'Kanhi sakura', which is the main type of the cherry trees in Okinawa, is different. Its color is bright pink and similar to plum blossoms.
(Picture above)

Festival  sites & date

     Northern area:   
 *Nakijin gusuku Sakura Matsuri (Nakijin  Castle Cherry Blossom Festival)*
    January 21st - February 5th
   At Nakijin Castle Ruins in Nakijin village
       *Motobu Yaedake SakuraHanami matsuri (Motobu Yaedake Cherry Blossom Viewing)*
         January 21st - February 5th
        At Yaedake in Motobu town
(The actual festival, which includes entertainment and local food for sale. ) 

 *Nago Sakura matsuri (Nago Cherry Blossom Festival)*
      January 28th & 29th 
     At Nangusuku(Nago Castle) in Nago city
(This is the biggest event of the year in Nago city. The festival includes parades, traditional music, dance performances, food booths, and much more.)

Southern area:
*Naha Sakura matsuri (Naha Cherry Blossom Festival)*
  February 8th -12th
  In Naha city 

I expect that you will enjoy the Okinawan winter season with the beautiful flowers with your family or friends!




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