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Friday, November 18, 2011

B-class gourmet in Okinawa 2

In the festive air in Mihama Parking area, where the 2nd C-1 Chatan B-class gourmet battle was fought, the first thing that customers had to do was to purchase  1,000 yen coupon pad of ten 100yen tickets for the foods.

Accompanied reddish Waribashi (disposable chopsticks) as a vote for your favorite dish.

With two coupon pads, we bloggers of English team hunted these mouth-watering treats…!
All so nice and full of ideas, but what amazed us most was…

Cucumber fritters!   Savoury, cruncy and juicy…!

           After the feast,  we went to the poll station to cast our votes.

 Crowded with wondering voters

Low of the ballot boxes, opening their mouth for as many chopstick ballots as they could swallow…

After the votes, we left the field with our happily-filled stomach.

According to the official HP of C-1 Chatan B-class gourmet battle, the winner of the battle was ‘Omu-rice(rice omelette) with Okinawan beef ‘ by café &restaurant Double Decker, which won the last year’s competition as well. Congratulation!  


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