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Sunday, November 20, 2011

How to make 'Handmade Okinawa Soba'

Hello! This is Shizuka.
I hope you are having a good weekend!

Well, I' m going to tell you about my first great experience.
It is 'How to make handmade Okinawa Soba'
'Okinawa Soba ' is one of popular and traditional food in Okinawa, I love it!

Now let's take a look how to make 'Okinawa Soba'!

 The picture above, the instructor is explaining how to make 'Handmade Okinawa Soba'.
We are listening with a lot of attention.

These are ingredients and tools.
Okinawa Soba is made of semi-strong flour and 'Shikomi water',which is made by adding fresh water and salt to brine.

 Let' start!!
Add a small amount of 'Shikomi water' to semi-strong flour and mix them well.
These are my hands, I was getting exited,then.

Knead the dough.

Knead knead knead...
When the dough becomes smooth, press it it down several times with your thumb
to let all the air out.
Form deflated dough into a ball, and set aside for 30-40 minutes.

Sprinkle flour on the dough and roll it out by using a rolling pin to make it 1.5mm thick.

Cut it into preferred width by using a kitchen knife.
I' m using a special kife to cut noodles.
Be careful...

Almost done!
And boil it.

Put the noodles in a soup bowl.
Add some slices of flavored pork, Kamaboko(fish sausage), pickled ginger, and green onions if desired.

See this 'OKinawa Soba'! It looks delicious!
Have a good meal!

You can eat 'Okinawa Soba' at 'Umanchu-tei restaurant' at Itoman road side shop 'YUKURA' that sells local foods and surveniors.
There you can ask about 'Handmade Okinawa soba'.

Enjoy Okinawa!!

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