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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

International city: Koza

Hi, everyone. This is Megumi, nice to meet you.

Today, I’ll introduce about Koza, Okinawa city where I grew up.

In 1974, Koza city and Misato village were combined. At that time, Okinawa city was born but it has been popularly known as ‘Koza’ even now.
Extending directly outward from Gate 2 of Kadena Air Base is well known for “Gate 2 streets,” we call it Kuukoh Dori (Airport Street). Have you ever been there?

There are a variety of shops, bars, clubs, and restaurants, which have many different countries’ foods: Tacos, Indian curry, Peruvian and Filipino foods etc., along the street.
You could find the foods which suit to your moods, also some shops accept payment in US dollars.
These shops are full of people who are not only locals but also the US military on weekends. You would feel an atmosphere of this place is unlike Japan.

Of course, you can enjoy Okinawan culture as well.
Koza flourishes in Okinawan traditional music and dance, the most popular traditional dance is ‘eisa.’ One of the island’s biggest eisa festivals is held in summer season of year in Koza, at this time, many people from around the islands come there, to have fun watching eisa dance with Orion beers. (If you would like to know more about Orion beer, please read our previous posting!)

And, some of you don’t know that Okinawa city is actually the birthplace of Japanese rock-n-roll, so “Koza Music Town (Otoichiba)” was built as a landmark of music, it has the music hall and a few restaurants and other shops.
There are some music live performances or entertainments throughout the year. If you are interested in some performances, check out the schedule on the Koza Music town’s website.

You can definitely enjoy both Okinawan culture and other countries’ culture even walking along Gate 2 streets.
Please experience international city: Koza.


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