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Friday, December 30, 2011

Muchi: Traditional Okinawan Rice Cake

Hi everyone, this is Megumi.
How’s your Christmas day? I hope all of you had a wonderful time.
As for me, I had a great Christmas night with my family and friends, with great dishes; roast chicken, sushi and a Christmas cake. My older brother, who is working at a supermarket, brings home a lot of Christmas cakes every year. He is like a Santa clause for us.
Finally, 2012 is coming soon!!! Also it’s getting cold these days, please take care and eat some hot foods not to catch a cold.

Here in Okinawa, it is the custom to eat ‘Muchi’ on December 8th in the old calendar.
 (In 2012, New Year’s Day is the day!!!!) Have you ever heard of ‘Muchi’??
‘Muchi’ is a traditional Okinawan rice cake, which is wrapped with Alpinia Zerumbet named Gettou in Japanese.

                                           This picture is Gettou leaves

It is commonly believed that we can have a good luck and keep our good health by eating Muchi.
We have the same pronunciation for evil and medicines, both are said ‘yaku’ in Japanese. Tradition says that “if we can ward off yaku (evil or sickness), we don’t need to take yaku (medicines),” which means Muchi has a power that can turn away misfortunes!!!!!
The family, especially who have small children, hang the same number of Muchi as their children’s age from the ceiling, praying for the healthy growth of them. Okinawa's coldest season is coming soon, and we call it “Muchi bisa” (bisa means the cold in the local language); since we eat Muchi this time of year, Muchi lets us know the arrival of the winter season.


 We have a variety of flavors of Muchi, such as pumpkin, beniimo (purple sweet potato) and black sugar etc. It is loved by the young and the old, and the taste is flavorsome and appealing. You can feel the smell of Gettou leaves. And you can get these Muchi at almost every supermarket in Okinawa this time of year.
If you try Muchi, I’m sure that you will like it and wouldn’t stop eating.
Please enjoy your time with the traditional local food in Okinawa.

We’re going to take the New Year’s vacations for a few days.
So we’ll meet all of you next yearJ
May the New Year brings you happiness!!!!!!!!!! See you soon.


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