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Friday, December 30, 2011

Solemn New Year's Countdown - Mabuni, Fire and Peace bell Ceremony

The Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum

This May, I had an opportunity to visit the Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Park in which the Cornerstone of Peace has been established in order to inscribe all the war victims' names.  It is located on Mabuni, Itoman city which is known as the southern battle field of the battle of Okinawa (World War Ⅱ).

In the park, there is a museum called the Peace Memorial Museum, which gives a sobering overview of the lead up to the battle, the battle itself and the reconstruction of Okinawa after the war.

First, I walked through the museum to see the exhibition and took time to read the articles on the war. There are a variety of exhibitions which made me think about the Okinawan war history and my grandparents who experienced the war. The articles on the Okinawan emigrants to South Sea Islands remind me of my grandfather and his family who moved to Saipan during the war period in Okinawa.

One thing that I was impressed and loved about this museum is its structure, which leads visitors to a beautiful ocean view at the end of their exhibition.
When I reached the exit of the museum, the beautiful ocean view was appearing in front of me. On sunny days, it is amazing.

In this peace symbolic park, there is a solemn event hold at the end of each year. 
The ceremony called “Mabuni, Fire and Peace bell Ceremony” and will be held at the Peace Memorial Hall on site from New Year’s Eve (12/31) through New Year’s Day (1/1) 10:00 p.m.- 1:00 a.m.

The Okinawa Peace Memorial Hall located in the park. 

Every person who takes part in the ceremony will put up a torch for requiem of the war victims and pray for peace while listening to a peace bell rings.

If you are interested in the New Year’s countdown in a peaceful atmosphere, please check the Fire and Peace bell Ceremony at Mabuni, Itoman city.


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